by Cynthia Donson
Video: What is the stock market?
1.Before you watch the video and do the next activity, read the sentences and choose the best answer.
1) is a type of grain commonly used to make bread.
2) Another word for trade or the activity of buying and selling is .
3) A person who works in agriculture is a .
4) If you buy something for thirty euros and you sell it for thirty-five, you make a of five euros.
5) An is someone who possesses something, such as an apartment or shares in a company.
6) Another word for a part or a piece is a .
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Now, watch the video:

What is the stock market?
2. Read the questions and choose the correct answer. Check your answer before you move on to the next question.
1) How many main exchange markets are there?
2) Which of the following products is not sold on the commodities market?
3) What two parties trade on the stock market?
4) In your opinion, what are shares in a company?
5) Why do people invest in companies?
6) What do investors receive in return for their investment?
7) Which city is not the capital of its country?
8) Where is the New York Stock Exchange?
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3. Complete the sentences using words from the list below. Click on the word from the box and then click again on the right blank space. The video and the above activities will help you.

1) They make petrol or gasoline from .

2) There are six of us, so you need to cut the pizza into six .

3) “Mum, I’ve found this little dog on the street. Do you know who the is?

4) Amazon does all its on the internet.

5) People who can’t eat gluten can’t eat and other grains.

6) is a fossil fuel.

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1) Work in small groups. Think of a character from fiction or legend and prepare a description of the figure and their adventures. Present your character to the class but do not say their name. The class will try to guess your character’s identity.

2) Listen to the other groups’ presentations and try to guess the identity of the character they are talking about.

3) Vote on the best presentation.