by Cynthia Donson
Video: How long have subway systems existed?
1. Before you watch the video and do the next activity, read the sentences and choose the best answer.
1) Towns are smaller than .
2) Another word for water vapour is .
3) If something is upside down, it is .
4) Residential areas around a city are called .
5) A place designed to protect people from bombs is called a bomb .
6) Moving stairs are called .
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Watch the video:

How long have subway systems existed?
2. Read the questions and choose the correct answer.
1) What is the American word for metro?
2) What is one of the advantages of the metro?
3) Where was the first metro?
4) When was it opened?
5) What was special about the Paris metro of 1900?
6) How does the metro reduce pollution?
7) When was the London Underground used as a bomb shelter?
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3. Complete the sentences using words from the list below. Click on the word from the box and then click again in the right blank space. The video and the above activities will help you.

1) My uncle and aunt don’t like living in the city centre any more – they’re moving to the .

2) Places where they look after abandoned animals are called .

3) My grandmother doesn’t like going on - she always insists on using the stairs.

4) There are too many on the roads and this causes pollution.

5) In the 20th century many people left their villages and went to live in .

6) New automatic metro systems don’t have .

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1) Work in small groups. Make a list of different means of transport. Choose one and note down its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

2) Present your means of transport to the class, but don’t say what it is. The rest of the class have to guess what you’re talking about.

3) Vote for the best presentation.